You Deserve To Have Your Voice Heard

Working to make sure you and your family have a fair chance to achieve your dreams

Fighting for high-quality education, affordable health care, and job opportunity

Committed to listening to you and representing your neighborhood
I started out as a lawyer working with kids in juvenile court. I fought hard to make sure that every single kid I worked with had their voice heard and was given a fair chance at new opportunities, regardless of their past. That’s what I want for Northeast Lincoln. Folks in our neighborhood haven’t always gotten a chance for fair pay, job opportunity, or even access to health care. In fact, those of us living north of “O” Street have an average life expectancy of 20 years less than those south of “O.” You deserve to have your voice heard and to get a fair chance. I’m running because I believe in fairness and opportunity—for people like the kids I’ve worked with throughout the years, for all of us in Northeast Lincoln, and for everyone in Nebraska. With me, you get someone with experience fighting the tough cases and winning. I’m committed to winning this one with you and for you.